Beginning Farmers
Beginning Farmers - Practical Tools for Successful Family Farming
Registration is Open for Farmer to Farmer Workshops and Webinars from the Pennsylvania Agricultural Stewardship Association (PASA)
Pasa's Apprenticeship Programs in Focus
To train the next generation of sustainable farmers, Pasa facilitates two formal apprenticeship programs that are registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry: Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship and Diversified Vegetable Apprenticeship.
Apprentices hone their skills on working farms under the guidance of experienced mentors. They complete a rigorous curriculum of technical coursework, field days, and workshops. Plus, our apprenticeships are paid—beginning farmers can earn while they learn.
This webinar is suitable for aspiring farmers as well as experienced farmers interested in hosting apprentices.
Legal Health Check-up for Your Farm Business
Understanding relevant liability, insurance, and employment laws will help minimize risk in an inherently risky profession, and enable you to operate your business with more confidence.
Whether you are just starting out or have been operating your farm for years, join us and Trellis Legal for a webinar guiding you through how to conduct a legal audit of your farm business. We’ll break down the basics in an approachable and accessible way.
Forest Farming: Goldenseal
During this webinar, Dr. Eric Burkhart from Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center will discuss one of Pennsylvania’s most valuable woodland crops: goldenseal.
Basic economics of goldenseal as an agroforestry crop, and essential horticultural aspects of the plant will be covered. Forest crop tree management and silviculture, including how to manipulate the forest canopy to promote goldenseal crops and salvage trees killed by invasive insects, such as the Emerald Ash Borer, will also be discussed.
On-Farm Solar Energy
Solar companies are actively looking to place industrial arrays on farmland, while many small farmers are interested in installing solar panels for home and community use. We invite farmers, solar industry professionals, and solar energy advocates to join us for a listening session facilitated by Pasa’s Policy Strategist Sara Nicholas, solar developer Doug Neidich (Greenworks), sheep farmer and solar grazier Caroline Owens (Owens Farm), and environmental advocate David Masur (PennEnvironment).
We’ll consider: Where is solar most compatible with commercial farming? What types of financing and technical development are available? And what policy changes need to happen to accelerate solar development, while balancing the interests of farmers, citizens, and energy companies?
Summer Annual Forage Trial
In 2020, Lebanon County organic dairy farmer Matt Bomgardner partnered with Penn State University Extension agronomist Dave Wilson to run a summer annual forage trial on his farm. Matt and Dave examined a variety of summer annual forage options, including eight different species and three different grazing mixes. The forage was sown using a diverse range of tillage treatments that included no till, rototill, and moldboard plow.
In this webinar, Matt and Dave will discuss the results of their forage trial, including lessons learned and plans for moving forward. Graziers interested in potentially including a summer annual in their grazing rotation will learn what worked best for Matt, both in terms of species selection and tillage treatment.
Grow Your Own Mushrooms at Home: Inside & Outside
William Padilla-Brown from Mycosymbiotics and Rusty Orner from Quiet Creek Herb Farm will review the lifecycle of mushrooms and lead hands-on demonstrations of taking spore prints and easy clones, starting spores or commercial culture to develop outdoor patches or for fruiting indoors, and more.
You’ll also tour Quiet Creek’s mushroom grove and explore its growing techniques, and enjoy a farm fungi-to-fork lunch. Participants will leave with starter cakes with their choice of oyster, wine cap, lions mane, reishi, blewit or pink oyster mushrooms, as well as inoculated shiitake and combs tooth logs.
Meat Processing
Join us for a discussion exploring some of the persistent obstacles small meat farmers are facing.
The discussion will be facilitated by Jay Young (Rising Spring Meats); Josh Scheinberg (Pa. Department of Agriculture); Michael Kovach (Walnut Hill Farm); and Sara Nicholas (Pasa Sustainable Agriculture).
We invite meat processors, farmers, and agency and non-profit staff to share your experiences and suggested solutions for alleviating problems in the current supply chain.
Forest Farming: Ginseng
During this webinar, Dr. Eric Burkhart from Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center will discuss one of Pennsylvania’s most valuable woodland crops: ginseng. Basic horticultural aspects of the crop will be discussed, as will economic considerations for the crop.
Forest crop tree management and silviculture, including how to manipulate the forest canopy to promote ginseng crops and salvage trees killed by invasive insects, such as the Emerald Ash Borer, will also be discussed.
Farm & Land Transition Strategies
While transitioning a farm to new owners could have a number of benefits, from established infrastructure to market opportunities, it nonetheless presents a complex set of important considerations for all involved. Even farm transitions from one family member to another may not be as straightforward as it might seem.
In this webinar, representatives from PA Farmlink will explain how they work in Pennsylvania to connect farmers interested in land with landowners looking for farmers. Also, Pasa’s executive director and Village Acres Farm co-owner, Hannah Smith-Brubaker, and Kimberton CSA co-owner Frank Kurylo, will share their personal experiences navigating farm transitions.
Permaculture Principles: Introduction, Urban Applications, Rural & Community Projects
Permaculture Principles Part 1: Introduction & Urban Applications (November 10)
What is permaculture, and where did it come from? What kind of work do permaculturalists do, and what ethics and principles guide their work? During part one of this two-part series, we’ll review permaculture basics and see how this approach to landscape design and stewardship is applied in urban and residential settings.
Permaculture Principles Part 2: Rural & Community Projects (November 12)
What tools and practices are used in permaculture? How can permaculture be applied at the farm-scale? During part two of this two-part series, we’ll explore how permaculture techniques—including water management, energy use, landscape diversity, and food forests—are being utilized in a variety of farm settings and community initiatives.